read more on the Body of Christ
The Body of Christ
The Body of Christ is also called the Bride of Christ, or Church (of Christ) in Scripture. As salvation and redemption were accomplished through the physical, real body of Jesus Christ, so the plan of God is accomplished through a body, consisting of many members, the Body of Christ.
The Church: His Body, His Bride
A Scriptural examination of the Church of Jesus Christ, which is His body, His bride, the very “fullness of Him which fills all in all.” An overview of the nature, structure and the functioning of the church as seen in the New Testament.
Abraham's City
The spiritual edifices many believers live in today lack the power, the living faith, and the spiritual nourishment that leap from the pages of Scripture describing the New Testament church.
Polishing God's Silver
The Scripture refers to gold and silver and precious stones as treasures that endure. Gold shines and shines, and jewels can sit for a hundred years and they’re shining away. But silver is different. Silver needs polishing. And if you don’t polish it, eventually, it gets dingier, then yellower, then darker, then on toward black. There are elements of the treasures the Lord has given us that are in the silver class, that need polishing.
Find Your Place in the Body of Christ!
God wants men and women who can speak and have a sound that is clear through and through, warning people to run from the judgment and admonishing saints to find their places. There is a place in the body of Christ where we must fit.
Nine Gifts for the Church
The nine gifts of the Holy Spirit are the rightful heritage of the members of Christ’s Church and the church cannot meet in fullness of power or fullness of blessing without them.
A Lost Secret of the Early Church
Three things seem to stand out clearly: (1) the emphasis was on Holy Spirit ministry rather than on human teaching; (2) the gatherings of the believers were in homes rather than in special church buildings; (3) believers were taught to regard themselves as members of the Body of Christ, rather than as mere individual believers.
Other readings
Immersed! Exploring a Foundation Truth of the Good News
The New Testament speaks of at least seven different baptisms. Five of the seven may apply to you and me today. Even the other two are included for our spiritual education, so we have a lot to explore.
The Day of the Lamb: An hour by hour account of the day Jesus died
We walk through the Day of the Lamb, as told in the New Testament Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. This account combines all four Gospels into one narrative of this day.
Power to Become a Son of God
God’s peace is not a result of trying harder or being religious; it comes from being “born again” – receiving an entirely new life which God gives. This new life cannot be earned or worked for; it is a free gift. If you receive Jesus you will receive power – “power to become a son of God.”
Stirred to the Depths
It takes something to move the soul deeply before we can do what the Lord wants us to do. God intends that the individual soul should be driven to the Lord where he can go deeper in God, and where he can become more acclimated in the Spirit. Unless we get into that place, there will be little done in our lives.
CHOSEN: the Incomparable Privilege
In a review of a book about the Jews a critic pointed asked: “What of Jews who do not choose to be chosen?” That is a question of the foremost importance. Since it is God who has chosen the Jews, the Jew who chooses not to be chosen has an argument with God.
Family and Christian Liberty
God intends that families be sheltering refuges (holy tabernacles) within which children learn wisdom, knowledge and virtue from their parents.